OpAlert - Surgical Assisting Australia

Surgical Assisting as a career!

Surgical assisting is a very rewarding career. Doctors with all sorts of medical backgrounds are able to become surgical assistants and it is easier than you think to start this process. Junior doctors that are surgically inclined and progressing towards becoming a surgeon themselves, will often pick up extra surgical lists to increase their experience and provide an additional source of income.

Practicing general practitioners often dedicate a session or two a week to this field. This allows for variety during the working week and helps gain a detailed understanding of various surgical specialties.

There are also specific medical practitioners who have dedicated their career to being a surgical assistant. There are many benefits in this field, and surgical assisting is certainly a profession to strongly consider.

Career surgical assistants have the opportunity to work within various surgical specialties which ensures that every day is unique and different. One day you may be assisting a neurosurgical brain dissection, and the next day, you may be helping with a knee replacement. This variety within the surgical field is difficult to achieve else where. The rates of pay are very different to. 

One of the added bonuses of surgical assisting on a full time basis, is that ir provides great flexibility in your work life balance. If you want to take two, three, or even, four weeks off for a holiday, then it is pretty easy to give prior notice to the surgeons you work with, and off you go. Once you have relaxed on the beaches of the Caribbean for long enough, you can travel back home and pick up right where you left off!

Above all, surgical assisting allows you to work in a challenging yet rewarding environment every day. Strong relationships are built with the theatre team, and a great sense of achievement is created.

Be part of something special, and consider becoming a career surgical assistant!

Surgical Assisting for First Timers

Surgical Assisting for First Timers

Surgical Assisting presents a great opportunity for those that are passionate about the field of surgery. There are Surgical Assistants enjoying a flexible lifestyle throughout Australia in major capital cities and regionally. Whether you are looking to gain extra...

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