Lets look at a few common questions…

My signup says I'm still being verified - What do I do?

OpAlert uses the details you’ve provided to verify your identity before approving you. If you have not heard from OpAlert and it has been over 48 hours since your application, check your Junk Mail first, and if you still haven’t received a verification, please send an email to support@opalert.com.au.

How much will it be after 30 June 2017?

OpAlert is here to stay! We are committed to providing the most advanced and streamlined method of connecting Surgeons / Proceduralists, Anaesthetists and Assistants. Our App is free to purchase from the App store (iOS or Android).

This service will continue to be free to Surgeons.

Our commitment is to continuing to provide this amazing service at an amazing rate. With current companies charging a 10-20% ‘Finders Fee’, you are losing a large proportion of your hard earned income every day. This can add up to hundreds of dollars per list!

For assistants and anaesthetists, OpAlert will be charging ONLY $1 per case from 01 July 2017, leaving more $$ in your pocket to spend on the things you love!

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