Have you ever wondered how to be a surgical assistant in Australia? Well, its actually quite easy. The main requirements for you to be a surgical assistant are:
- Full AHPRA registration (Unfortunately Interns don’t count until the year is finished)
- Medical Indemnity. We suggest using one of the majors. Its cheap, often about $200 per year. Contact us for a recommendation to our favourite medical defence organisation.
- Accreditation at the hospitals you want to work at. Contact the hospital coordinators and obtain the accreditation paperwork for your hospital. Fill it out, along with your medical indemnity certificate and AHPRA registration.
That’s it! Now the hardest part use to be finding lists to assist surgeons with. Some agencies charge up to 30% of your surgical assist fee to find you work. We thought this was crazy, and decided to do something that made it more accessible for assistants, yet more convenient for surgeons, anaesthetists and surgical assistants.
After downloading OpAlert from the iOS or Android app stores, just tick the hospitals you are accredited to work at, and your availability. Once that is done, receive instant notifications to your phone when jobs are available, or open the app, and click the FIND WORK button.
Check it out by clicking the button below. Its free to join, and you will only pay if you work! $1 per case (This would equate to less than 1%, rather than 30% of your income!)
The Big Update
The BIG Update Let us fill you in on where OpAlert is today. When we started OpAlert, we wanted to create a beautiful platform that doctors could call their own – something that saved them time, and provided them value in their practice. What we ended up with, was...
We are at the RACS ASM
OpAlert was designed for Surgeon and Surgical assistants firstly, and then we added Anaesthetists after we formed our board. The benefit of having an all in one solution is that Surgeons will no longer have to think about how to find surgical assistants and...
Refer a Surgeon and get Free COFFEE
What makes OpAlert Australia's answer to Surgical Assisting, finding work, or saving time as a Surgon? Our group of motivated doctors that choose to use OpAlert daily! We need your help in making OpAlert even bigger, and we're willing to reward you for it. If you know...