OpAlert - Support Enquiry
OpAlert is committed to providing you with the best experience we possibly can. As we are new, we would like to invite you to ask your questions below if you have any questions, or require further information on anything in particular. Answers will be below and we will endeavour to update this with items that we feel might help your experience be the smoothest possible.
Security confirmation for Android users
Android Signup Process
Please open this email and click the link to verify your email. You will then be directed to our webpage with some information regarding waiting for complete registration. This usually takes 24 hours, where your details are being confirmed. Please familiarise yourself with our website during this period and you will receive an email once you are all confirmed and ready to use the OpAlert App
How much does it cost?
How can you guys be so cheap?
How much does it cost?
Make sure you give your login details to your PA/Secretary so they can administer your list uploads! This makes life even easier!
How do you know what's on a list?
Ensure that you check the case details, such as whether or not there are children under 2 yo, before you accept the list. Also ensure that you have only put down the hospitals that you are accredited at in your preference settings.
Can I sign up for multiple states?
OpAlert no longer supports multiple accounts for the same user, as you need to enter unique information during registration.
If more and more people want to select more than 1 state, we may implement this in the future to let us know by letting us know on Facebook.